Knee Joint Page Preview

The Knee

After taking an in-depth look at shoulder anatomy, movement and strengthening the other day, this time we'll look at a common weak spot of dancers: the knee. The knee is a complex joint without inherent bony stability...
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A conversation about Sports Science & Dance, Patrick Rump & Michael Loehr Preview Photo

A Conversation about Sports Science & Dance

When I interviewed Patrick Rump a few weeks ago to introduce him and his company GJUUM, we immediately said we wanted to get together again to talk a little more in depth about the intersection of sports science and dance...
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Dance Injury Prevention Screening Preview Photo

So, what about screening?

I always disliked the idea of health and fitness screening programs for dancers. Performing a full motion analysis and physical assessment of a dancer to identify deficits in strength, range of motion, balance and neuromuscular control seemed like a scary thing...
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Glossary of Strength and Conditioning Terminology Page Preview Photo

A Glossary of Strength Training and Conditioning Terms

While working with sports scientist Patrick Rump, it quickly became clear that dance and sports science don’t always use the same terminology. Or more precisely, that we dancers don’t always differentiate well enough when we talk about our work...
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Shoulder joint Page Preview Photo

The Shoulder

Since I'm currently dealing with the last fades of a nagging shoulder problem, and therefore dealing with anatomy, physiology, and appropriate strengthening exercises, this chapter is a bit of a digression on all things shoulder...
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Sports science as a tool for movement optimisation, injury prevention & performance enhancement in the work practice of contemporary dancers



Michael Loehr is a contemporary dancer who has collaborated with a number of international choreographers and companies. His main focus for the past 15 years has been his collaboration with Emanuel Gat. Enjoying the challenge to adapt to different surroundings and to switch between styles, his way of moving is characterized by both an emphasis on clarity and the joy of embracing the awkward.


Michael Loehr has a big interest in autonomous choreographic structures and a focus on discovering rather than executing. His creative skills are channelled in his own choreographies, a variety of projects that he accompanies as choreographic assistant as well as in numerous collaborations as a performer in works that require a choreographic vision.


    Michael Loehr is teaching contemporary dance classes and workshops for professional dancers and beginners alike. Passionately believing in the potential of sharing knowledge and ideas, he considers teaching an essential part of his artistic practice.