
Something Machine
2019 Done

2019 Done, 2020 Here i come

THANKS for all the fun in 2019! THANKS for all the professional opportunities and challenges, THANKS for all the insane nights and days out, and THANKS for sharing so many precious moments with me you beautiful people!
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A little something

Silvana Ranaudo from Nuova Officina della Danza invited me to teach a workshop for her students in Torino, Italy. Besides my usual focus on floorwork I tried to introduce the students to the awkwardness of Something Machine. We spent some time exploring movement material from THE 2ND EXCESSIVE RUDENESS...
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Attempts without worth

STRUT Dance - The National Choreographic Center of Western Australia chose Something Machine as one of the recipients of their sought-after SEED residencies and invited us to work in Perth for two weeks. We prepared a 30min installation piece that we presented at King Street Arts Center as a conclusion of our residency...
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Something SEED

In conclusion of our SEED residency at STRUT Dance Something Machine would like to invite you to an informal presentation. Something Machine is comprised of five artists that have been collaborating in various constellations with creators such as Amos Ben-Tal (NL), Amala Dianor (F), Emanuel Gat (F)...
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It’s a wrap!

2018 is a wrap and it’s time to say thank you for a year full of exciting projects! I feel really really lucky that I’m able to work with so many great people and institutions around the world. I performed 35 times across 7 countries, spent 10 weeks creating (and restaging) 5 different works with...
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A rehearsal day with Something Machine

Thinking Dancers

What just happened here? • A rehearsal day with Something Machine • The 2nd Excessive Rudeness • Pansun Kim • Michael Loehr • Genevieve Osbone • Milena Twiehaus • Thinking dancers • No idiots • Instant replay • Right or wrong? • The strongest section • Information overload • She cooknektor • Chuck • Petite...
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Excessive Facts Pt. I

In preparation for our upcoming residency at STRUT Dance in Perth Something Machine (Pansun Kim, Genevieve Osborne, Milena Twiehaus and I) met at Tanzfabrik Berlin this week to continue working on THE 2ND EXCESSIVE RUDENESS. As part of our research into the theme of observation we started collecting a whole bunch of (more or less)...
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Am I facing the wrong way?

The work on THE 2ND EXCESSIVE RUDENESS continues. My colleagues from SOMETHING MACHINE and I are still processing all the material we created during our residency at Seoul Dance Center, simultaneously preparing for the upcoming SEED residency program at STRUT Dance in Perth, and sending out applications for new opportunities. THE 2ND EXCESSIVE RUDENESS will...
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Reality check

It's time for a reality check: ZEIT ONLINE talked to me about my finances for their column Kontoauszug (German for bank statement). If you were wondering what made me choose this career ... it was very obviously not for financial reasons. Building a career as a freelancer takes guts and a lot of persistence. But to...
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The Iron Dobbin 1933

Attempts without worth

ATTEMPTS WITHOUT WORTH V.1 Everyone here remembers my horse. Is facing the right horse even wrong? Can’t the eel walk 5 Steps? With snaps and stabs it flew. The guy gradually climbs the horse and sees his purse rise off his seat. He’s so up himself, his reflection vomits confidence. You cross and he forgets...
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