I can't stress enough how happy I am that the gyms in Berlin are finally open again and that I can actually get back to physical work after half a year of dealing theoretically with the connections between sports science and dance...Continue Reading
The majority of dancers still struggle with the idea of incorporating strength training into their daily routine, and this is probably still due to a huge misconception. Strength training is not the same as bodybuilding...Continue Reading
Dance warm ups are always a difficult and wide-ranging topic. Especially for freelancers, who even in larger companies often use their own warm-up program to prepare for the day, this work phase serves many different functions...Continue Reading
When I interviewed Patrick Rump a few weeks ago to introduce him and his company GJUUM, we immediately said we wanted to get together again to talk a little more in depth about the intersection of sports science and dance...Continue Reading
I met Patrick Rump in 2018 after tearing my right calf muscle in the middle of a performance at Teatro Storchi in Modena. I can't praise Patrick's work enough. I really think that every professional dancer could benefit from his knowledge. So here's a little interview to introduce Patrick and GJUUM to all of you...Continue Reading
DIS-TANZ DIARY #3 – I developed an online survey in collaboration with sports scientist Patrick Rump (GJUUM) in order to gain a better understanding of the current conditions of the professional dance community in regards to training and conditioning, preventative methods and awareness, and rehabilitation processes...Continue Reading
THANKS for all the fun in 2019! THANKS for all the professional opportunities and challenges, THANKS for all the insane nights and days out, and THANKS for sharing so many precious moments with me you beautiful people!Continue Reading
2018 is a wrap and it’s time to say thank you for a year full of exciting projects! I feel really really lucky that I’m able to work with so many great people and institutions around the world. I performed 35 times across 7 countries, spent 10 weeks creating (and restaging) 5 different works with...Continue Reading