VIER JAHRESZEITEN TANZTHEATER BIELEFELD (2006) The recurring process of becoming and fading in nature and human life is reflected in the four seasons. Each of the four seasons can stand for a different phase of life. VIER JAHRESZEITEN focusses on cognitive processes in those differing phases, dealing with subjects such as the awakening of love, […]
A REMIXED DANCE TRIBUTE TO FOOTBALL TANZTHEATER BIELEFELD (2006) The performance delves into the physical routine of the greatest game on earth and elevates the aesthetic aspects of its insanity. It comments the artificial conflict between the common sports and the eloquent arts as well as the pride and prejudice surrounding the concept of working-class […]
GISELA TANZTHEATER BIELEFELD (2006) The haunting dance production GISELA by Guy Weizman and Roni Haver is based on the 2nd act of the romantic ballet Giselle and the so-called wilis, those sprites from Heinrich Heine‘s re-narrated slavic legend. The wilis are deceased brides whose love was betrayed before their wedding and who seek their unfulfilled […]
ORPHEUS UND EURYDIKE TANZTHEATER BIELEFELD (2006) The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice has been approached by many artists coming from music, film, literature, dance and many more. In his dance opera Gregor Zöllig tries to find a new way of dealing with the destiny of his protagonists and focusses on three main themes to break […]
RE|THINKING TANZTHEATER BIELEFELD (2005) RE|THINKING is a short choreographic sketch based on Thomas Bernhard’s WALKING. The novella shows a preoccupation with themes that would obsess Bernhard throughout his career. WALKING records the conversations of the unnamed narrator and his friend Oehler while they walk, discussing anything that comes to mind but always circling back to their […]
666.667 Club TANZTHEATER BIELEFELD (2005) 666.667 Club is a choreographic exploration set to the music of the controversial french rock band Noir Désir. A first draft of an ongoing Work in Progress was presented as part of Tanztheater Bielefeld’s series TANZ AUS(SER) DER REIHE.
SPEEDLESS TANZTHEATER BIELEFELD (2005) Every human being is is increasingly challenged by the demands for effectiveness and flexibility. Simultaneity is increasing in all areas. But do we actually achieve to gain time? What are the consequences for our personal lives? A piece about the desire to defeat the clock.
CRASH TANZTHEATER BIELEFELD (2005) CRASH deals with the time after a collapse. A crash can break, smash, shatter people – both mentally and physically. The ensuing period of change and upheaval often brings uncertainty and fear, but also hopes and yearnings. A crash inevitably leads to a new beginning and we bring whatever is left […]
WITH A PALM FULL OF […] HOCHSCHULE FÜR MUSIK UND TANZ KÖLN (2005) WITH A PALM FULL OF […] was created for the young choreographers program of the Cologne University of Music and Dance. It’s a short miniature about the struggle between individuality and conformity.
DIE BESTÄNDIGKEIT DER ERINNERUNG HOCHSCHULE FÜR MUSIK UND TANZ KÖLN (2004) Lending its title from one of Salvador Dalí’s most famous paintings DIE BESTÄNDIGKEIT DER ERINNERUNG (The persistence of memory) deals with how experiences are inscribed into our bodies … and how we struggle to rid ourselves of them.