Michael Loehr is teaching contemporary dance classes and workshops for professional dancers and beginners alike. Passionately believing in the potential of sharing knowledge and ideas, he considers teaching an essential part of his artistic practice. Above all, the goal is to provide tools that will enable dancers to optimize their performance with respect to their own objectives, not to teach a particular style.

Michael's work as a teacher has led him to collaborate with institutions such as Ballet de Lorraine, Brancaccio Danza, Budapest Dance Theatre, Candoco Dance Company, Carte Blanche, Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, Cie. Amala Dianor, Cie. Paracosm, Emanuel Gat Dance, Jin Xing Dance Theatre, K3 Hamburg, Montpellier Danse, Nuova Officina della Danza, Potsdamer Tanztage, Prix de Lausanne, pvc Tanz Freiburg Heidelberg, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Scottish Dance Theatre, Tanz im August, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Tanzhaus NRW, Tanzprobebühne Marameo, Unterwegstheater Heidelberg, and VA Wölfl’s Neuer Tanz.