Sacre by Emanuel Gat for SUB.LAB.PRO


SUB.LAB.PRO (2022)

ONYX is the second triple premier of SUB.LAB.PRO The Ensemble Program, a creative platform designed to foster a realistic appreciation of a company-like working environment offering a complete toolkit to thrive in the professional artistic field. In the second half of the season the Ensemble dancers worked together with three choreographers getting the possibility to experience and collaborate with different creative processes, physical modalities and contrasting considerations on performativity. ONYX includes EASY DANCES by Csaba Molnár, TK1/22 by Mészáros Máté, and Emanuel Gat’s SACRE.

Photos of SACRE by Gergely Ofner

In this modern game of hunting, everything is beautiful and dangerous. The suspense is intense: men select a partner in turns, creating a crescendo of anxiety until the final choice is made.

Rosita Boisseau
Le Monde


Choreography and lights: Emanuel Gat

Music: Igor Stravinsky

Performers: Isaac Butler, Jonas Garrido Verwerft, Hanne Van Driessche / Lina Bouainane, Flóra Virág / Rose Bouvet, Jázmin Wéber / Laura Mello Rella

Produced by SUB.LAB Event Productions. Co-produced & supported by Workshop Foundation, Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, MU Theater, Sín Arts Centre, NKA, IZP Program, EMMI. Special thanks to Anikó Rácz, Ábris Gryllus, Dániel Dömölky, Gergely Ofner, Bence Kovács, Erika Partig-Kis, Balázs Busa.

Performance History

Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest, Hungary

times performed in 2022