ChoreographyGuy Weizman & Roni Haver
MusicCowboy Junkies, Yannis Kyriakides, Mary Mary, Bob Dylan
Stage & CostumesAscon de Nijs
Light DesignWil Frikken
PerformersFelix Berner, Audrey Borthayre, Alessandra Corti, Vivienne Hötger, Angela Kecinski, Michael Loehr, Dario Rodriguez, Cristian Sétien, Angelika Thiele, Maria Walser
ProductionOldenburgisches Staatstheater
World Premiere05 April 2008 – Exerzierhalle, Oldenburg, Germany
Performance HistoryExerzierhalle, Oldenburg, Germany – Schauspielhaus, Bremen, Germany
PhotographyAndreas J. Etter
Heaven by Guy Weizmann and Roni Haver
Heaven by Guy Weizmann and Roni Haver
Heaven by Guy Weizmann and Roni Haver
Spiritual enlightenment, religious martyrdom, sexual fulfillment, or material wealth—through the yearning, demanding dance of the ten performers on stage, these themes take shape: sometimes naively fantastical, then brutally direct, or superficially quirky. […] HEAVEN is dance theater that invites both reflection and contemplation.
The search for heaven on earth is, for Weizman and Haver, a cross-religious endeavor—though it seems to be less about spiritual enlightenment and more about the liberation of the body. [...] To the backdrop of often thunderous sound collages, wonderful movement patterns emerge. [...] In the end, the kingdom of heaven is nothing less than peace on earth.
Guy Weizman and Roni Haver are realists: Humans are not heavenly beings, even if they wish to be. And their ideas of paradise are mostly decidedly worldly, even when they appear superficially religious. [...] In 70 fast-paced minutes, the piece explores the multifaceted visions of paradise—religious, political, and deeply human. [...] The Oldenburg company proves to be a resilient and confident ensemble.