Performance HistoryMusikfest der Alten Oper, Frankfurt LAB, Frankfurt, Germany – Opéra Comédie, Montpellier, France – Thüringer Bachwochen, Theater Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany – Pavillon Noir, Aix-en-Provence, France – Bolzano Danza, Teatro Communale, Bolzano, Italy – Teatro Municipal do Porto, Porto, Portugal – Odyssud, Blagnac, France – Scène nationale d’Albi, Albi, France – Le Parvis, Tarbes, France – Théâtre de l’Octogone, Pully, Switzerland – Salle du Lignon, Vernier, Switzerland – Théâtre de Caen, Caen, France – Opéra de Rouen - Théâtre des Arts, Rouen, France – Séquence Danse Paris, Centquatre-Paris, Paris, France – Arsenal / Cité Musicale, Metz, France – Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen, Orangerie, Hannover, Germany – Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest, Hungary – Teatro Grande, Breschia, Italy – Teatro Storchi, Modena, Italy
Total Number of Performances30