Feel like a star! Broadcast yourself! Because you’re worth it! These are by no means just marketing taglines but the real guiding themes for designing our everyday lives. A wide range of assistants are boosting our pleasure mechanisms: proliferating therapies are keeping us beautiful and young, WEB 2.0 lets us be our own spin doctors, personality matchings are selecting our loved ones in order to eradicate all relationship imperfections. But where is this blind designing of our delightful existence going to lead us to? If we don’t see the others but only ourselves?

Photos of CAUTION FRAGILE by Nastassia Kazlenok

It is not about outer beauty, but about how much you’re emotionally touched by the images. The images may be ugly, but the emotions that have been aroused in you considered beautiful.

Volha Kastsel


Choreography: Volha Kastsel

Music: Robert Schumann, David Lichtenberger, Sergej Ozeran

Performers: Dzianis Aleksishen (Andrej Dimitriev), Volha Kastsel (Volha Skvarzova-Kovalskaya), Michael Loehr, Andrea Schiefer

Produced by Chasqui Group.

Performance History

Tanz Art Festival
Alte Post, Görlitz, Germany

Trade Union‘s Culture Palace, Minsk, Belarus

Mogilev Concert Hall, Mogilev, Belarus

times performed between 2010 and 2011